The Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) is an esteemed organization that honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, and educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our country. Let’s look into the fascinating history and purpose of the SAR:
- Founding and Vision:
- In 1876, a group of descendants of patriots who contributed to the American Revolution created “The Sons of the Revolution” in celebration of the Declaration of Independence.
- On April 30, 1889, the Sons of the American Revolution was chartered by Congress under Title 36 USC, Patriotic Societies and Observances, Chapter 1C–Sons of the American Revolution.
- The SAR’s charge encompasses patriotic, historical, and educational objectives, including perpetuating the memory of those who achieved American independence through their services and sacrifices during the Revolutionary War.
- Key Objectives:
- The SAR aims to:
- Unite and promote fellowship among descendants of Revolutionary War patriots.
- Inspire reverence for the principles of the government founded by our forefathers.
- Encourage historical research related to the American Revolution.
- Acquire and preserve records of individual patriot services, documents, relics, and landmarks.
- Mark Revolutionary War scenes with appropriate memorials.
- Celebrate significant war events and foster true patriotism.
- Maintain and extend institutions of American freedom, aligning with Washington’s farewell address to the American people.
- The SAR aims to:
- Our Chapter’s Role:
- As part of the SAR, our chapter carries out this vital charge. For nearly 100 years, we’ve been dedicated to preserving our heritage.
- Our programs and projects include:
- Marking patriot graves to honor their memory.
- Establishing memorials that commemorate pivotal events.
- Educating students of all ages about their American heritage.
- Recognizing service to country and community.
- Honoring our fallen patriots and compatriots.
- Acknowledging excellence in JROTC/ROTC cadets.
- Conducting the Avenue of Flags annually in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
- Conducting historical research on the American Revolution.
- Exploring genealogical roots to connect with our past.
- Preserving Freedom’s Gift:
- Our chapter proudly carries the torch, ensuring that each new generation remembers the price of freedom paid by our ancestor patriots.
- We invite you to join us in this noble charge. SAR membership is open to male descendants of individuals who served in the American Revolutionary War or significantly contributed to establishing the independence of the United States.
- Ready to Begin Your American Story?:
- Visit our “How To Join” page to learn more about becoming part of the Sons of the American Revolution.